
Capacitors: Costs To Produce: 2016 Global Analysis

Capacitors: Costs To Produce: 2016 Global Analysis


This global market study conducted by Paumanok IMR in 2016 offers a detailed industry snapshot of the costs to produce capacitors by type on a global basis. The study uses advanced market and technology research methods to address the fixed and variable costs to produce ceramic, tantalum, aluminum and plastic film type capacitors and cross-references their operating margins and the unique relationship raw materials play in variable costs to produce. Paumanok has offered this product again at the request of the supply chain in 2022 as a benchmark product as it shows the baseline data for production when variable costs are impacted by geopolitical events and materials chokepoints, especially in key metals for electrodes, terminations and anodes.

Copyright ©2016 Paumanok Publications, Inc. Published by: Paumanok Publications, Inc. Publication Date: April 2016 Pages: 218 Pages, 116 Tables and Graphs $3,750.00 USD For General Consumption Paumanok Publications, Inc. www.denniszogbi.com www.paumanokgroup.com Customer Service: (919) 468-0384 info@paumanokgroup.com ISBN #1-893211-00-2 (2016)

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Pages: 218 Pages, 116 Tables and Graphs $3,750.00 USD

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219 pages
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